God is at work in people's lives today.

God still saves today. Jesus still heals and intervenes spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically and financially.

The videos here are all real-life stories of the amazing things that God has done in people's lives today.


Good News TV is brought to you by the chapters of FGBMF in Canada.

Got Jesus?

You need Jesus.

Scripture tells us salvation is the gracious, undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2:5, 8) and the only path is through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). We receive salvation through faith, first by hearing the gospel. The next step is when we decide to believe and trust the Lord Jesus (Romans 1:16). Our relationship with God on earth means we continue that relationship eternally in heaven.

Why Jesus?
Tim, who today works to help the homeless, was brought back to life after dying in a terrible accident. Tim loves Jesus and the Bible and lives a sprit-filled life today.

Freelance journalist, devout Christian, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Lee shares some of his experiences and insights.
Mike has had an exceptional career with the RCMP. The danger and stress would have taken an ordinary man out, yet even with PTSD, turning to God has allowed Mike not only to cope but to support others.
Robin, a gifted and professional gardener, recounts the benefits and changes for the good brought about in his life through salvation and the Holy Spirit.
Larry, a retired teacher and business owner, describes his life blessed by faith and love and community with fellow believers.
Doug, now retired from pharmacy, discovered that a relationship with Jesus can be deeply developed and the Word of God can be learned and applied.
Kash, who now works with a Tribal Council, had seen some most extraordinary and supernatural sights as a child, but didn't come to faith until his twenties. Now he shares his story of things he will never forget.
Peter, an indigenous social worker, shares how he came to know Jesus and some interesting events that have strengthened his faith.
Randy used to rebuild engines but now he rebuilds broken lives. From a dark place, he saw the light and met Jesus through Teen Challenge.
David had a future in basketball. He loved it but he didn't know what he was missing. One day, he met Jesus, accepted him as Lord and Savior and has found a future that won't end and everlasting love.
Bode works as a successful Project Manager today. He teaches and leads others toward excellence. When he became a Christian he learned he could resist temptation by faith.
Andrew has worked as a carpenter and a pastor. He's comfortable in ministry just as much as he is in business because he knows Jesus.
Scott, a risk manager at a major oil refinery, was miraculously saved from an accident that would have killed 10 men. His gratitude for the grace of God leads him to share with others what God has done for him and can do for them.
John works today as a nurse on the front lines against Covid-19. He's come a long way, from concrete worker battling drug addiction to faithful Christian.
Garnet, who worked for years as the Auditor for the Cayman Islands, began his life in a small town. His whole life he has looked for and been blessed by the Lord's leading.
Rick had a long career with Canada Post. Raised in a Christian home, he became a believer at a very young age and has seen many signs and wonders.
Graham comes from a rural background and works today in farm realty. As a husband and business man, he appreciates the importance of God's hand working in his life.